Onboarding Spirits
1. Preparation
Place the kristalball smartpad on a hard and flat surface.
Stick the kristalball tag on the side of the bottle as close to the bottom as possible on a flat surface, ensuring that there is no air bubble between the tag and the bottle surface. Please ensure that the placement of the tag is not next to any Government Information Such as MRP or Bar Code which may be useful to your bar.
Note : This is applicable to liquors only. Sticking tags is not required for beer and breezer
2. Log in to your kristalball mobile application and select ‘Onboard’ from the Main Menu.
3. Upon selecting ‘Onboard’, you will be shown the following options -
Full Bottle Spirits: Onboard liquors by tagging the bottles.
Partial Onboarding: Onboard existing liquor stock as opening balance, while you start using the kristalball application.
Beer or Breezer: Onboard Beer & Breezer by entering the count
Beer or Breezer Onboarding
1. Please add the cost price and selling price in the Bottle Master for the beer or breezer you want to onboard.
2. Click on the option ‘Beer & Breezer’. Upon clicking, two options will be shown:
(i) Beer
(ii) Breezer
3. You can now either search for the Brand Directly or Select one of the options you would like to onboard. Upon selecting Beer or Breezer, you will be presented with a list of brands to choose from.
4. You can search by the brand name of the Beer or Breezer, or even sort by volume.
5. Enter the bottle count to be onboarded, in the text box of the appropriate brand name.
6. Click on ‘Onboard’. The entered bottle count will be added to the Main Store inventory.
Full Bottle Onboarding
1. Click on the option ‘Full Bottle Spirits’. Upon selection, you will be asked to select the smartpad that you will be using to onboard the bottle.​
2. Once you select the smartpad, two options will be shown:
(i) Single Bottle
(ii) Multiple Bottle
Full Bottle - Single Bottle Onboarding
​1. Click on the ‘Full Bottle Spirits’. You will be redirected to a page where you will be indicated to place the bottle on the smartpad. Please make sure that there are no other Tags or tagged bottle near the smartpad.
2. Gently place the prepared bottle (Step 1) on the smartpad.
3. Once the bottle is detected by the smartpad, you will be redirected to the ‘Alcohol type’ selection page
​4.Now you can either search for the name of the bottle directly from the search bar or select the type of alcohol (of the prepared bottle) and then select the brand.
​5. Once you select the Name/Brand of the bottle, from the search results, you have to select the volume of the bottle you are onboarding (Prepared Bottle) Eg: 1000ml / 750 ml, etc . Then Click on continue. You also have an option to create a new bottle volume by clicking on the ‘+’ icon
If a new volume is added for a brand that does not exist and only 750 ml exists in the master and not 1000 ml and while onboarding, the user selects 1000 ml, then the App will ask for a pop-up for entering the cost price for the same. Also, another pop-up will be shown for the Main Store UOM and UOM Price [In case of a new product or an existing product for which the details are not entered] to be entered. If the user doesn't enter the cost price, he/she will be notified the same and also, if the UOM Price and UOM is not inserted, it will take kristalball system's default price temporarily until the user verifies the price for that brand.
6. Now you will be requested to enter the Expiry and Vintage of the Bottle that you are onboarding.
​7. Click on Onboard and the bottle will be added to the Main Store inventory.
Full Bottle - Multiple Bottle Onboarding
1. Click on the ‘Multiple Bottle Spirits’. You will be asked to enter the number of bottles to be onboarded.
2. Once the bottle count is entered, you will be redirected to the ‘Alcohol type’ selection page
3. Now you can either search for the name of the bottle directly from the search bar or select the type of alcohol (of the prepared bottle) and then select the brand.
4. Once you select the Name/Brand of the bottle, from the search results, you have to select the volume of the bottle you are onboarding (Prepared Bottle) Eg: 1000ml / 750 ml, etc . Then Click on continue. You also have an option to create a new bottle volume by clicking on the ‘+’ icon
5. Please make sure that there are no other Tags or tagged bottle near the smartpad. then, Carefully place one of the prepared bottles (Step 1) on the smartpad.
6. Once the bottle is detected by the smartpad, you will be redirected to a bottles summary page where you can see a Bottle Count Tile. Click on the tile.
6. Now you will be requested to enter the Expiry and Vintage of the (Prepared) Bottle.Please note that these details must be entered for each and every bottle onboarded. If entered, they will be applicable for all bottles, and it won't be necessary to enter them separately for each individual bottle.
7. Click on Onboard and the bottle will be added to the Main Store inventory.
Partial Bottle - Multiple Bottle Onboarding
1. Click on the ‘Partial Bottle Spirits’. You will be redirected to a page where you will be indicated to place the bottle on the smartpad. Please make sure that there are no other Tags or tagged bottle near the smartpad.
2. Gently place the prepared bottle (Step 1) on the smartpad.
3. Once the bottle is detected by the smartpad, you will be redirected to the ‘Alcohol type’ selection page
​4.Now you can either search for the name of the bottle directly from the search bar or select the type of alcohol (of the prepared bottle) and then select the brand.
​5. Once you search for the Name/Brand of the bottle, from the search results, you have to select the quantity of the bottle you are onboarding (Prepared Bottle) Eg: 1000ml / 750 ml, etc and the brand of the bottle.
6. Now you will be requested to enter the current volume of the bottle, Expiry and Vintage of the (Prepared) Bottle.
​7. Click on Onboard and the bottle will be added to the Main Store inventory.